Below you find a selection of designs I made while working as a Product Designer at Sinch. Sinch is an international CPaaS company, with headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden.
Sinch is a telecommunications and cloud communications platform as a service (CPaaS) company.
Product Designer.
As a product designer for Phone Numbers, I managed the UX/UI for the customer self-serve portal and the internal admin tool.
April - October 2022.
Final version
Design Overview
Sinch, a Customer Communications Cloud Service, powers conversations at scale across messaging, voice, and email to help businesses deliver unified, personalized experiences no matter the channels they use. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Sinch also has offices in over 60 cities worldwide, including Atlanta, London, Madrid, Singapore and Sydney.
When I started in the design team at Sinch, I took over one big design project for our biggest client. The previous designer together with the previous product manager had agreed on the overall structure of the solution and it became my responsibility to work on the high-fidelity designs, conduct user tests with the client, and finilize the product for the first launch together with the new product manager.
The design project was in its essence a self-serve form on our customer portal that replaced a process with a lot of emails back and forth between the client, sales representative, and the service implementation team at Sinch that handled their request. The request could in some cases take up to one month due to missing information. Having experience working in the manual process in my first role at Sinch and in Sales Operations, I could contribute with insightful knowledge of the process and how to make the new design solution the best possible experience for the client as well as the sales and service team at Sinch.
At Sinch, I worked in an agile environment together with the product owner, developers, and other designers to align processes and ensure the product followed design guidelines and principles.
When I started on the project of the self-serve form on the customer portal, I immediately read all the documents and reviewed the files the previous designer provided me. I especially took time to learn the previous process and how the form was to replace most of these manual steps and help to reduce friction.
I started a close collaboration with the new product manager and the project manager of the client. We had sessions to discuss client needs, strategy and design options to secure the project's success. It was important to take into account the client’s needs while also making sure the design worked for the majority of our clients and not become too client-specific. We presented prototypes in the sessions with the customer and iterated on the feedback, conducted user tests and continued developing the product. In the end, we launched the project successfully with a very happy client and with the knowledge that the form could be used by the majority of our clients as well.
At one point one of the products that I was responsible for did not have a product manager. This was a very challenging experience, as we lacked the roadmap and strategy overview. In the end, we of course hired a product manager and the design work got so much easier.
Design Items
Added feature of
'status alert'
I added a feature that allows collaborations on request of the self-serve form, after receiving feedback from the client in user tests.
User problem: The client expressed the need to be able to collaborate on requests with their colleagues. This wasn't possible in the old solution which led them to all log into the same account which discredits accountability.
Improvement: Allow collaboration in the team by letting the user add colleagues to be notified of the request.
Explorations of 'order a number'
The below 'get virtual numbers' page showed a lot of friction when I ran analytics of quantitive research. This, combined with the business strategy to allow the user to better specify their search, led to a new design.
User problem: The old search function looked more like a form than a search, which confused the user. It lacked features to search by city or phrase, and to select numbers they could access more quickly.
Improvement: I added these search abilities to the page while changing the layout to look like a search function instead of a form.
Internal admin portal
I also worked to improve the designs of the internal admin portal which was used by sales and product teams at Sinch. This one example shows how to complete an order;
User problem: Lack of understanding why the order did not activate. The user was shown an error message without clear information or suggestion on next step.
Improvement: Clear error message with next step action.